Tag: mythology
#S2Ep1 Bamboo in History and Innovation: A Tale of Resilience
Bamboo has shaped our story for millennia, blending ancient myths, daily life, and modern innovation.
Ep#4 Pumpkins in Tradition & Lore: From Art to Spiced Lattes
From Native Americans to Mayan legends and Shakespeare to Starbucks, pumpkins have left their mark on culture and cuisine!
Ep#2 Mint Chronicles: From Ancient Greece to Modern Medicine
Few plants have woven themselves into human history as deeply as mint. Mint has been a part of human life from ancient times in Greece to medieval Europe and even in magic and witchcraft.
Ep#1 From Aphrodite to Attar: The Epic Saga of the Rose
Legend has it that the history of the rose began thousands of years ago, its origins shrouded in myth and mystery.