medieval history – Podcast Tracing plants through time with a dose of science Fri, 28 Jun 2024 10:28:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 medieval history – Podcast 32 32 Ep#3 Journey of Grapes: Sacred Traditions and Timeless Tales Sat, 15 Jun 2024 21:28:46 +0000

Role of Viniculture in Ethiopian History

One of the earliest mention of grapes can be found in the 13th century Ethiopian law book Fetha Nägäst, also known as the Laws of the Kings, which serves as the foundation of Ethiopian Law. This text declared that wine for the Eucharist ceremony or the Holy Communion should be made from “the juice of pure grapes”, and “not be replaced by any intoxicating drink prepared with the help of fire”

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church required wine for the all-important Eucharist ceremonies, but this demand for wine was met by the availability of raisins – in many cases imported from abroad – which proved to be more convenient for wine-making than using fresh grapes. Viniculture, or the process of growing grapes for making wine, has a long history in Ethiopia, dating back to at least early Aksumite times.

It is possible that production was disrupted in the early 16th century due to the attempted conquest of the country by the Muslim conqueror Ahmäd ibn Ibrahim, although this has not been definitively established. Most of the country’s grapevines appear to have been destroyed by the grape pest phylloxera in the second half of the century.

Chapter from Fetha Nägäst; Source:

Legacy of grapes and wines in ancient egypt

The ancient Egyptians never cultivated wild grapes, but they managed to build a successful wine industry in the Nile Delta around the third Dynasty which was around 2700 BC. Grapes were a staple food in ancient Egypt, enjoyed fresh, dried, or turned into wine. They were used in various dishes, including baked goods and beverages.

Egyptian tombs, including that of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, contain records of grape and wine. Egyptians also imported superior wine from Greece, which they mixed with water. Wine was linked to Osiris, the god of the afterlife, and the life-giving forces of the Nile’s red sediments.

Scenes of harvesting grapes in Tomb of Nakht; Source:

Grapes of ancient palestine

In ancient Palestine, grapes were a vital part of daily life, deeply woven into the fabric of agricultural and social customs. The vineyards, filled with the lush, green vines, became bustling hubs of activity, especially during the harvest season.

Entire families, from grandparents to children, participated in the grape harvest, transforming it into a communal celebration. As the harvest began, families would migrate to their vineyards, setting up temporary homes in huts constructed from branches and rushes. These makeshift dwellings, known as QASR, provided a temporary yet essential home for the weeks of the grape-gathering season. The entire landscape buzzed with the sounds of laughter, singing, and the rhythmic clinking of harvesting tools.

The grape harvest in ancient Palestine wasn’t just about gathering fruit; it was a time of intense social bonding and cultural preservation. Traditional songs, proverbs, and stories were shared, teaching the younger generation about their heritage and the significance of the vines that sustained them.

Palestinian villages celebrating grape harvest; Source:

Biblical Significance of grapes and wines

In the Bible and all ancient Hebrew writings, grapevines are called as “gefen” originating apparently from the word “kafan” meaning to bend and curl, in reference to vine stems and tendrils.

It is said in the Genesis that after the Great Flood, Noah planted a vineyard. This act is significant as the vine is mentioned in Deuteronomy as one of the plants in the promised land of Israel.

In the New Testament, Jesus referred to himself as the true vine, highlighting his connection to God. He performed his first miracle by turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana. At the Last Supper, Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples, representing his body and blood. He instructed them to continue this practice in remembrance of him.

Overall, grapes and vineyards hold deep significance in the Bible, representing generosity, divine connection, and the sacrifice of Jesus.

Painting of the last supper (1557-1564); Source:

Medieval Wine and Society

In the Middle Ages, grapes and wine held great importance, both in terms of their economic and social impact. Wine served not only as a beverage but also as a medicine, while grapes were considered both cleansing and nutritious.

During the medieval period, people believed that the gods resided within the grapes they harvested and the wines they consumed. Wine allowed them to transcend their everyday lives and commune with these deities.

However, as Christianity gained influence, the Christian church began to restrict the use of sacred wine and differentiate it from secular wine. It was common for priests, monks, friars, and nuns of the Catholic Church to be the primary suppliers of wine to the masses during that period. From the fall of the Roman Empire until the Renaissance, Church workers not only provided wine to the average European but also played a crucial role in selecting and spreading high-quality grape varieties. Kings and feudal lords of the medieval period also had vineyards and made wine, but they often donated large portions of land to the Church for vineyard use.

Peasants and workers from the lower classes used to consume wine that had been stored in animal hides. Unfortunately, this practice resulted in the wine acquiring a terrible taste, resembling vinegar. Despite its unappealing flavour, this wine was still considered more hygienic than drinking pure water. They even included wine with their breakfast!

Grape gathering and wine cultivation in 15th century; Source: A history of champagne (1882)


Did you know that a liquid has been discovered in the tomb of Carmona, Spain, which is believed to be the oldest wine in the world? The wine found inside the funerary urn was white in colour.

Click here for more info: Journal of Archaeological Science

Grapes of Canaan

In the painting “Grapes of Canaan,” the renowned French painter James Tissot expertly portrays the biblical account of the spies dispatched by Moses to survey the land of Canaan. These scouts returned with a magnificent cluster of grapes as evidence of the land’s fertility.

Grapes of Canaan (1896 -1902) by James Tissot; Source:

The Goophered Grapevine

The Goophered Grapevine, written by Charles Chesnutt and published in 1887, is a short story included in his collection The Conjure Woman. This collection delves into the themes of race, folklore, and the supernatural in South America after the Civil War.

The story is significant for its use of African American vernacular and its early depiction of African American folklore in American literature. Chesnutt uses the frame narrative and the character of Uncle Julius to give voice to African American experiences and cultural traditions in a period of significant social change.



Grapes are rich in bioactive compounds such as anthocyanins, flavanols, and phenolic acids, which offer a wide range of health benefits. Studies reveal that consuming grapes may decrease the risk of developing chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

The French Paradox is an observation that suggests that French people have a lower risk of coronary heart disease, despite consuming a diet high in saturated fats. This phenomenon is often linked to their regular consumption of red wine, which is believed to offer protection against heart issues. While wine plays a significant role in the French Paradox, it’s likely a combination of factors such as diet, lifestyle, and genetics that contribute to their lower rates of heart disease. Resveratrol is naturally occurring compound found in grape skin and wine is believed to provide the heart-protective properties. Research also indicates that wine consumption may be linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.

However, it’s essential to remember that resveratrol isn’t a cure-all for health improvement. Consulting a healthcare professional about alcohol consumption is always advisable, and it is important to remember that moderation is key.

Potential health benefits of grapes; Source: Zhou et al., 2022


  1. Pankhurst, Richard. “The History of Grapes, Vineyards and Wine in Ethiopia, Prior to the Italian Invasion.” Journal of Ethiopian Studies 39, no. 1/2 (2006): 35–54.
  2. McGovern, P. E. (1998). Wine for Eternity. Archaeology, 51(4), 28–34.
  3. Canaan, T., 2005. Plant-lore in Palestinian superstition. Jerusalem Quarterly, (24).
  4. Asaph Goor. “The History of the Grape-Vine in the Holy Land.” Economic Botany 20, no. 1 (1966): 46–64.
  8. Zhou, D.D., Li, J., Xiong, R.G., Saimaiti, A., Huang, S.Y., Wu, S.X., Yang, Z.J., Shang, A., Zhao, C.N., Gan, R.Y. and Li, H.B., 2022. Bioactive compounds, health benefits and food applications of grape. Foods11(18), p.2755.
  9. Sabra, A., Netticadan, T. and Wijekoon, C., 2021. Grape bioactive molecules, and the potential health benefits in reducing the risk of heart diseases. Food Chemistry: X12, p.100149.

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Ep#2 Mint Chronicles: From Ancient Greece to Modern Medicine Wed, 08 May 2024 09:25:23 +0000 Listen to episode 2


In Greek mythology, the goddess Persephone suspected her husband Hades, god of the underworld, of having an affair with a nymph called Minthe. In a jealous rage, she transformed the lovely nymph into a perennial herb. Hades, unable to counteract his wife’s spell, bestowed Minthe with a sweet smell so that she would continue to delight those who came in contact with her.

Another version of the myth says that it was not Hades, but Pluto, the Roman god of wealth and the underworld, who had a crush on Minthe. It was Pluto’s wife, Proserpina who was jealous of Minthe and turned her into a plant. Pluto then gave Minthe the same gift of a pleasant aroma.

The transformation of Minthe into a herb serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of jealousy and the enduring nature of beauty.

This narrative is depicted in the painting titled “Menthe changed into a Mint Plant” by Johann Ulrich Krauss created in 1694 portraying Minthe’s transformation into a mint plant as a punishment for her involvement with Hades.

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Minthe wird in Münzen Kraut verwandelt by J. U. Krauss (1694); Source:


The Romans and Greeks commonly crowned themselves with it and decorated tables with the herb at their parties.

The ancient Romans used mint as a scented adornment for their tables at their parties and even crowned themselves and their guests with garlands made of mint. They also used to spread mint on floors in their homes for freshness. These gave off a slight scent where they were scattered, and ‘when they were trampled on, a strong and pleasant aroma scented the place.

Pliny The Elder recorded that the Greeks and Romans made great use of mint, adding it to both bathwater and perfumes, while also using it in sauces and wines.

Although many types of aromatic plants served this purpose, mint was preferred over alternatives owing to its stronger effect.

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Banquet at emperor Nero’s palace; Source:


The oldest written records of mint herbs are attributed to King Hammurabi of ancient Babylon, who prescribed them for medicinal purposes, namely gastrointestinal.

In a list of Babylonian healing rituals, pharmaceutical components such as cress, mint, extract of cedar, and date palm, were used in conjunction with invocations. he Babylonian Talmud, which contains teachings on various subjects, including medical advice, also mentions these rituals.

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The Hammurabi Code; Source:


Ancient Egyptians had bad dental health because of their unbalanced diet and the use of stones to grind flour, which led sand to get into their food and wear down their teeth.

They didn’t have access to good dental care like we do now, leading to overall poor oral health. To combat bad breath from decaying teeth, they used a mixture of herbs and spices like frankincense, myrrh, and cinnamon boiled together with honey to make pellets – similar to ancient mints but probably not as tasty as today’s mint.

Next time you reach for a mint, think about the ancient Egyptians who first came up with this clever solution for dental issues

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Mint brand invented by Smith & Company in 1780s; Source: wikipedia

mint weaves itself into the fabric of early Christianity

In Slavic, Latin, and Teutonic languages, there’s a famous story about Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. According to the tale, Mary fled with Baby Jesus from King Herod’s soldiers.

She met a peasant while seeking help. He advised them to hide behind a small mint plant which miraculously spread but couldn’t completely conceal them.↵Mary then asked the peasant to leave his plough on the ground. Suddenly, young wheat seedlings sprang up unexpectedly high.

When pursued by soldiers looking for her carrying a baby, he said she had passed by when he was sowing seeds. The pursuers believed it was too late to catch up with her and abandoned the chase

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Mary feeding Jeses; Source:

Mint and women’s health in Medieval times

In the Middle Ages, many women resorted to herbal remedies to end a pregnancy in its early stages. This knowledge was passed down from mothers, community herbalists, midwives, and local healers. To terminate an unwanted pregnancy, women tried cold footbaths, bloodletting, or consuming artemisia or mint tea.

John M Riddle, a well-known American historian and expert on medical history, has stated that people living in medieval times had a greater sense of control over their lives than we may have originally believed.

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Source: Unknown, Wikimedia commons; public domain


In the book David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, Ms. Crupp is the landlady of the place that David rents when he works in London. She drinks a lot and often takes David’s alcohol without permission. Mrs. Crupp suffered from a strange condition called ‘the spazzums’ that caused nose inflammation and required constant peppermint treatment.

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Still from David Copperfield movie (1999); Source: imdb


The “Peppermint Stamp” from the German Democratic Republic is a unique postage stamp issued in East Germany in 1959. It features a vibrant design depicting peppermint leaves and flowers, symbolizing agricultural achievements during the DDR’s Five-Year Plan. The stamp reflects the government’s emphasis on economic goals and self-sufficiency in food production.

Today, it holds historical significance and represents DDR’s economic policies during the Cold War era.

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DDR’s peppermint stamp; Source:


A Canadian nurse works as a humanitarian aid worker in war-torn Iraq and uncovers the story behind her colleague Mahmoud, who brings his mint plant to work with him every day. It is a tale of promises, heritage, and the enduring bond between people and their homeland.

Watch the short documentary here: YouTube


In addition to its traditional culinary and home remedy uses, mint also possesses potential health benefits such as antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. These effects are attributed to the bioactive compounds found in essential oils of mint, with menthol being the primary constituent. The essential oil extracted from fresh or partially dried herbs is utilized for enhancing the flavor of confectionery items, chewing gums, liqueurs, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and pharmaceutical preparations.

Scientific research indicates that mint may offer advantages for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome and related digestive issues by providing analgesic and respiratory effects. Furthermore, mint essential oil may aid in alleviating pain associated with menstrual cramps and muscle discomfort.

When used in conjunction with aromatherapy practices, mint oil has demonstrated positive impacts on mental health by promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and mood enhancement. Although employing essential oils for improving mental well-being follows a holistic approach, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional or aromatherapist first especially if you have existing medical conditions or take medication.

A 2023 experimental study revealed that mint oil can improve memory and may be beneficial in enhancing memory among individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, recent studies have also presented promising findings regarding the treatment of lung and breast cancer.








7. Al-Tawarah NM, Al-dmour RH, Abu Hajleh MN, Khleifat KM, Alqaraleh M, Al-Saraireh YM, Jaradat AQ, Al-Dujaili EAS. Rosmarinus officinalis and Mentha piperita Oils Supplementation Enhances Memory in a Rat Model of Scopolamine-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease-like Condition. Nutrients. 2023; 15(6):1547.

8. Murugesh, V., Shetty, D., Kurmi, A., Tirlotkar, S., Shetty, S., & Solanke, S. (2024). A comprehensive review of essential oils for depression management. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry13(2), 60-70.

9. Dolghi, A., Coricovac, D., Dinu, S., Pinzaru, I., Dehelean, C. A., Grosu, C., Chioran, D., Merghes, P. E., & Sarau, C. A. (2022). Chemical and Antimicrobial Characterization of Mentha piperita L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. Essential Oils and In Vitro Potential Cytotoxic Effect in Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)27(18), 6106.

10. Hardinge, H., & Going, C. B. (1938). An Old-World Folk-Tale. Folklore, 49(3), 290–291.

11. Barbara Böck, “When You Perform the Ritual of ‘Rubbing’: On Medicine and Magic in Ancient Mesopotamia,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62 (2003): 7-8.

12. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs | Leafy Medicinal Herbs: Botany, Chemistry, Postharvest Technology and Uses

13. van de Walle, E. (1997). Flowers and Fruits: Two Thousand Years of Menstrual Regulation. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 28(2), 183–203.


15. Hardinge, H. (1938). An Old-World Folk-Tale. Folklore49(3), 290–291.

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Ep#1 From Aphrodite to Attar: The Epic Saga of the Rose Sun, 28 Apr 2024 13:11:31 +0000 Listen to episode 1


Greek mythology is full of stories involving the rose, which is closely linked to the goddess of love and intimacy, Aphrodite. According to the legend, her love for the mortal Adonis was so strong that not even her home Olympus paled in comparison. However, their beautiful love story took a tragic turn when Ares, another one of Aphrodite’s lovers and the jealous god of war, intervened by transforming into a monstrous boar and killing Adonis. When Aphrodite rushed to his side upon hearing his cries, she pricked herself on a thorn and stained a white rose with her blood—creating the first crimson bloom as a symbol of undying love and heartache.


Source: Alice Pheles;

Desire’s Garden: The Romance of the Rose

The Romance of the Rose is a 13th-century French poem by Guillame de Lorris. It tells a captivating story about love and longing through the protagonist’s journey in a symbolic garden. Each encounter in the garden represents challenges faced in pursuing love, with a rose at its heart symbolizing his deepest desire. The protagonist’s quest to pluck this rose mirrors his pursuit of the lady who has captured his heart.

Exploring Love's Garden: The Romance of the Rose_

Source: Le roman de la rose (1390); Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meung;

Medicinal Gardens of Medieval Monasteries

Benedictine monks in medieval monasteries cultivated roses, along with other herbs and plants. The monks grew the roses for their medicinal properties and used them to create tinctures and compounds for treating various ailments such as piles, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Their remedies were based on the knowledge from De Materia Medica, a work by Dioscorides, an ancient Greek physician from the 1st century.

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Source: Travail des Mains (8 monks working in a monastery garden;


The ancient rose bush, which dates back to 815 AD, continues to thrive at the Catholic cathedral in Hildesheim, Germany. Despite being located in a cathedral that was heavily damaged during WWII, this remarkable plant has withstood wars and natural disasters over the centuries. Today, it stands tall at a height of 10 meters.

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Source: St.Mary’s Cathedral in Hildesheim, Germany;


The English and Welsh dynasties teamed up to create the House of Tudors that held the throne of England from 1485-1603. They used a red and white rose as their emblem, decorating things like buildings, furniture, flags, badges, and jewellery with this dual rose symbol.

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Source: Tudor rose painting in the church of St. Leonard (16th century);

Grim History Behind ‘Ring Around the Rosie’

This playground song about roses, still remains popular among children. However, this seemingly sweet rhyme carries undertones of a grim historical period. Despite its playful tone, it is often associated with the Great Plague in London, echoing the impact of the Black Death. The seemingly innocent lyrics convey a feeling of doom: “roses” symbolize deadly rashes, “posies” are thought to be preventive measures, and “a-tishoos” indicate sneezing related to the illness. The line about everyone falling down alludes to the grim outcome—death.

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Nur Jahan’s Rose-Coloured Reign in the Mughal Empire

When women were rarely in the public eye, Nur Jahan, the wife of Mughal emperor Jehangir, wielded significant power in the Mughal empire. She was a trailblazer as she wrote laws, set governmental policies, and even appeared on coinage during the Mughals’ rule in India. Additionally, she is renowned for creating rose oil and innovating methods to distill roses for Attar essential oil and flavouring Sherbet with rose essence.

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Source: Portrait of Queen Nur Jahan;


In 2000, Old Halfeti was submerged and its inhabitants moved to the new Halfeti village, about 10 kilometers away, along with their native roses. However, the roses struggled to adapt to their new surroundings. To prevent extinction, district officials intervened by collecting the seeds and planting them in greenhouses near their original location. This ensured their survival and saved them from disappearing. Initially blooming a deep wine colour, the roses gradually darken to black as summer progresses. The fame of these unique flowers has spread far and wide; they have inspired a Turkish TV show, a novel, and a perfume bearing their name.

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Source: Black roses grown in Halfeti(2020);


Besides their beauty and fragrance, roses possess numerous health-promoting properties that extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. There are around 100 to 150 varieties of roses, although most botanical experts think the actual number may be closer to 100.

Several studies have highlighted the nutritional benefits of roses, especially in terms of their nutrient content and chemical compounds that may promote good health. Roses contain certain essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and boron that may play a crucial role in maintaining nutritional balance and enhancing productivity. Additionally, certain aromatic acids found in rose fruits and nuts, have been associated with protective effects against illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Furthermore, they exhibit anti-aging properties by scavenging free radicals and shielding the body against oxidative damage.

Over time, the rose continues to evolve. Horticulturists today crossbreed and hybridise this plant to produce a variety of colours, shapes, and fragrances.

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Source: Hegde et al., 2022


  8. Hermida, J., Toro, M., Guzmán, M., & Cabrera, R. (2013). Determining nutrient diagnostic norms for greenhouse roses. Hortscience, 48(11), 1403-1410.
  9. Damania, A.B. (2010) ‘The Mystical History of the Rose – The Queen of Flowers’, Asian Agri-History, 14(4), pp. 303–318. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2024).
  10. Hegde, A.S., Gupta, S., Sharma, S., Srivatsan, V. and Kumari, P., 2022. Edible rose flowers: A doorway to gastronomic and nutraceutical research. Food Research International162, p.111977.

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